BMC Exhibition Template

Scalar Exhibition Template

The Scalar Exhibition Template provides two new page layouts that take advantage of Scalar's powerful semantic web features to present information in exciting new ways for digital exhibitions. The "Scrolling Page" layout, demonstrated on this page, transforms Scalar paths into a fully responsive scrolling page. The "People" layout, demonstrated here, provides an additional media layout designed to showcase the people behind exhibitions. 

The template was created by Alicia Peaker (Digital Scholarship Specialist, Bryn Mawr College) and designed by Nathanael Roesch (Ph.D. Candidate in History of Art, Bryn Mawr College) in close consultation with Carrie Robbins (Curator, Bryn Mawr College). The project would not have been possible without the remote and in-person support of Craig Dietrich (Information Design Director, Scalar), with additional help provided by Curtis Fletcher (Project Manager, Scalar) and Erik Loy (Creative Director, Scalar).

The Scalar Exhibition Template was generously supported by a microgrant from The Association for Computers and the Humanities. Find out more about the project and learn how to use it for your own digital exhibits on GitHub. Or see the template in action for Bryn Mawr College's Tale of Genji exhibition. The Scalar Exhibition Template is provided freely under a GNU General Public License.

Contents of this path: